HSE Health Service Executive Lenus Repository


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Ireland's central source for Open Access health research

Lenus is the leading source for Irish research in health and social care.  The Lenus collections include peer reviewed journal articles, grey literature, dissertations, reports and conference presentations. Lenus contains the publications of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) and the collected research output of over 130 health organisations past and present, all freely accessible.

Submit Your Research to Lenus 

If you are an Irish researcher or have conducted research in an Irish institution or health organisation, you can add your published research to Lenus. Submitted articles must be available in Open Access format or the publisher's policy must permit author self archiving. Advice on Open Access publishing and publishers' policies is available on the 'Open Access Publishing Guide' and 'Publishers' policies' pages available on the left-hand menu.     



HSE Open Access Research Awards 2023 - Winners

The 2023 HSE Open Access Research Awards were presented in Dr Steevens’ Hospital on Friday 15th December 2023, by Dr Philip Crowley (National Director, Strategy and Research). The entries were far more closely matched than usual, reflecting the high standard. The winning entries are:



Acute Care and Hospitals: Fatal fetal anomaly: Experiences of women and their partners by Keelin O'Donoghue and colleagues.


Community and Social care: Socio-ecological determinants of older people’s mental health and well-being during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis within the Irish context by Viveka Guzman and colleagues.


Mental Health and Disabilities: LGBT+ Youth Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions in the Growing Up in Ireland Survey: A Qualitative Study by Nerilee Ceatha and colleagues.


Integrated Services: The Omentum in Obesity-Associated Cancer: A Hindrance to Effective Natural Killer Cell Migration towards Tumour Which Can Be Overcome by CX3CR1 Antagonism by Melissa Conroy and colleagues.


Climate or Environmental Health: Public Health Measures to Address the Impact of Climate Change on Population Health - Proceedings from a Stakeholder Workshop by Samira Barbara Jabakhanji and colleagues.


Special Innovation Award: Breaking the Silence: Terminology Guidelines for Data Collection on Sexual Violence Against Children by Elaine Mears and colleagues.


Overall Winner: Applying a new approach to the governance of healthcare quality at board level by Jennifer Martin and colleagues.



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ORCIDs are a form of persistent unique identifier that gather all your published research together and link it unambiguously with you. Having an ORCID means eliminating confusion with similarly-named authors, and allows you to list all past affiliations, funding details and publications. Click here to get your free ORCID today.






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