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dc.contributor.authorHealth Service Executive (HSE)
dc.descriptionIn response to the Pollock Report which was published in 2005, the Health Service Executive established a Working Group with multi-disciplinary membership to undertake a wide-ranging review of the current infrastructure for CF in Ireland. The recommendations of the review endorse many aspects of the Pollock Report in identifying deficits in staffing levels and appropriate accommodation across the country which has not kept pace with the increase in the CF population. Optimum care for people with CF as defined by the European Consensus document 16 is based upon multi-disciplinary care supervised by a specialist centre. It is clear that these requirements cannot be met in all of the hospitals currently providing CF care and that a new structure is required which coordinates: · an appropriate level of care for patients at the most convenient location · access to all of the specialist elements required for optimum outcomes · appropriate transition between child and adult services · information required to plan for a rapidly changing population which has ongoing service requirements · access to care in an appropriate environment, e.g. facilities which enable infection control measures The HSE Working Group concludes that the needs of the CF population would be best met by the following configuration of specialist cystic fibrosis centres offering either full care or supervision of structured shared care with satellite CF centres: · Dublin North: Beaumont (adult) linked with Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street (children) · Dublin South: St Vincent’s (adult) linked with a more closely integrated 5 OLCH, Crumlin / AMNCH, Tallaght service (children) (pending the establishment of the new national children’s hospital) · Cork: Cork University Hospital (children and adult) · Limerick: Regional Hospital, Limerick (children and adult) · Galway: Galway Regional Hospitals (children and adult) The Working Group also recommends that Waterford Regional Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda should provide shared paediatric care with a designated specialist centre (Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin and the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street respectively). With the regard to adult patients, the group recommends that a Consultant Respiratory Physician with a special interest in Cystic Fibrosis be appointed to Waterford Regional Hospital with a view to the hospital developing as a CF specialist centre over time. Other units currently providing services may continue to do so on a shared care basis linked with a specialist unit. The Working Group recommends that a tertiary clinical service linked with a national lung transplant programme should be formally designated for both adult and paediatric services. St. Vincent’s University Hospital is suggested as the national referral centre for adult patients and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin (pending the establishment of the new national children’s hospital) as the national referral centre for paediatric patients due to the current availability of hepatobiliary, paediatric surgery and other specialist services required by a proportion of CF patients. Other key recommendations of the report are as follows: · The enhancement of staffing and accommodation to international guideline levels - proposed staffing requirements appropriate to the current number of patients are outlined in appendix 2. · All services should be designed to minimise the risks of cross-infection by the adoption of a service control of infection policy. 6 · The establishment of a national CF reference laboratory should be formally designated as a priority.en
dc.publisherHealth Service Executive (HSE)en
dc.titleServices for people with cystic fibrosis in Ireland conclusions of a working group established by the Health Service Executiveen

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