Managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health Care in Europe (MILESTONE): background, rationale and methodology.
Tuomainen, HSchulze, U
Warwick, J
Paul, M
Dieleman, G C
Franić, T
Madan, J
Maras, A
McNicholas, F
Purper-Ouakil, D
Santosh, P
Signorini, G
Street, C
Tremmery, S
Verhulst, F C
Wolke, D
Singh, S P
Issue Date
Child and adolescent mental health servicesCluster randomised controlled trial
Health services research
Longitudinal cohort study
Mental health
Professional training
Youth mental health
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BMC PsychiatryJournal
BMC PsychiatryDOI
10.1186/s12888-018-1758-zPubMed ID
29866202Item Type
Scopus Count
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