Intrapartum fetal deaths and unexpected neonatal deaths in the Republic of Ireland: 2011 – 2014; a descriptive study
Intrapartum fetal deaths and unexpected neonatal deaths in the Republic of Ireland: 2011 – 2014; a descriptive study 2018, 18 (1) BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthPublisher
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthJournal
BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthDOI
10.1186/s12884-017-1636-6Additional Links
: Intrapartum fetal death, the death of a fetus during labour, is a tragic outcome of pregnancy. The intrapartum death rate of a country is reflective of the care received by mothers and babies in labour and it is through analysing these cases that good aspects of care, as well as areas for improvement can be identified. Investigating unexpected neonatal deaths that may be associated with an intrapartum event is also helpful to fully appraise intrapartum care. This is a descriptive study of intrapartum fetal deaths and unexpected neonatal deaths in Ireland from 2011 to 2014Item Type