Patient Education
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This is a collection of patient education materials produced by the
Health Service Executive
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Folic acid knowledge and use among expectant mothers in 1997: a comparison with 1996.This study examined changes in folic acid knowledge and use among antenatal women in Dublin maternity hospitals between 1996 and 1997, following a campaign to improve the very low uptake of peri-conceptional folic acid. The results showed significant improvements between the two years. Almost 76% of respondents had heard of folic acid in 1997 compared with 54% in 1996 (p < 0.01), with a shift in the proportion of people hearing of folic acid from hospital doctors to general practitioners (GP). Almost 43% of respondents in 1997 knew that folic acid can prevent spina bifida compared with 21% in 1996 (p < 0.01). A higher proportion was taking folic acid prior to conception in 1997 (16% vs 6%, p < 0.01). We conclude that the improvements may have been in part due to the promotional campaign among health professionals, women's groups and the media. However, less than a fifth of women were taking folic acid peri-conceptionally in 1997 and there is still scope for much improvement.