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dc.contributor.authorNational Association for the Mentally Handicapped of Ireland
dc.identifier.citationNational Association for the Mentally Handicapped of Ireland. An outline of the existing services for treatment and care of mentally handicapped and disturbed children and mentally handicapped adults in the Republic of Ireland. Dublin: Dorset Press Ltd; 1971. 108 pen_GB
dc.descriptionIn presenting this fifth edition of the Outline of Services for the Mentally Handicapped and Disturbed Chlldren and Mentally Handicapped Adults, the National Association feel that it will serve as a useful reference particularly to individuals and Organisations working in the field of mental handicap. Due to the expansion of and changes in services a revision of the previous edition became necessary. W'hi!le any development is welcomed the services are still far short of our requirements. In planning further facilities more provision for the mentally handicapped adult must be included. A service not mentioned in this bookIet but one nevertheless to which your attention is directed is the National Association's Trusteeship Scheme. In brief a Life Insurance policy as taken out on the life of la parent or guardian for £500 and it is assigned to the National Association Trust Co. which wiLl use the money received on the death of the parent or guardian to help the nominated mentally handicapped beneficiary. Details of this scheme have already been widely circulated. With the coming into operation of the 1970 Health Act the Medical Services in the country are co-ordinated under eight Regional Health Boards. A gradual implementation of all the sections of the Health Act is anticipated. It is hoped that provisions for the mentally handicapped will have a beneficial bearing on the services. The Association is grateful to all those who supplied up-to-date material for the revision of this booklet.en_GB
dc.publisherDorset Press Ltd.en_GB
dc.subjectMENTAL HEALTHen_GB
dc.subjectCHILD HEALTHen_GB
dc.titleAn outline of the existing services for treatment and care of mentally handicapped and disturbed children and mentally handicapped adults in the Republic of Irelanden_GB

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