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dc.contributor.authorHealth Insurance Authority
dc.identifier.citationThe Health Insurance Authority. Report of the Health Insurance Authority to the Minister for Health, in accordance with Section 7E (1)(b) of the Health Insurance Acts, 1994-2009. Dublin. 2011.en_GB
dc.descriptionThe Authority has been asked by the Minister for Health to prepare a Report under Section 7E (1) (b) of the Health Insurance Acts 1994-2009 ("the Health Insurance Acts"). For the purposes of the legislation, the relevant period is 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011. The basis of the Report is specified in the legislation and comprises: (i) such evaluation and analysis in respect of the information returns which relate to the specified period (ii) such matters concerning the carrying on of health insurance business and developments in relation to health insurance generally that the Authority considers ought to be brought to the attention of the Minister (including information in relation to the profitability of any registered undertaking or former registered undertaking where the operation of the relevant financial provisions is expected to result in a positive cumulative net financial impact on the undertaking) (iii) the amounts of the age-related tax credits that the Authority considers, after having regard to such evaluation and analysis, would need to be afforded, under section 470B(4) ofthe Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, to persons insured by registered undertakings (other than restricted membership undertakings) having regard to the principal objective specified in section lA(l) (in so far as that objective relates to health insurance contracts that provide for in-patient indemnity payments) and to achieving the aim of avoiding overcompensation being made to a registered undertaking or former registered undertaking under the operation of the relevant financial provisions (iv) if the amounts referred to in subparagraph (iii) were given effect by a statutory provision, the amount of the stamp duty that the Authority considers would need to be paid, pursuant to section 125A oftbe Stamp Duties Consolidation Act 1999, by registered undertakings (other than restricted membership undertakings) in respect of the persons insured by them in order to meet the cost to the Exchequer of the total of the amounts referred to in subparagraph (iii). The Minister also informed the Authority that he will shortly introduce a Bill proposing that separate tax credits be allocated to insured persons within a series of 5-year age bands starting at age 50 years and ending with those aged 85 years and over. The Minister requested that the Authority's Report would include assessments based on tax credits for 10 year age bands and tax credits based on 5 year age bands. The Report has been agreed by the Members of The Health Insurance Authority ("the Authority") and constitutes the Authority's Report to the Minister for Health in accordance with Section 7E (I )(b) of the Health Insurance Acts, 1994-2009.en_GB
dc.publisherThe Health Insurance Authorityen_GB
dc.titleReport of the Health Insurance Authority to the Minister for Health, in accordance with Section 7E (1)(b) of the Health Insurance Acts, 1994-2009en_GB
or.authorThe Health Insurance Authority

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