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dc.contributor.authorThe Health Insurance Authority
dc.identifier.citationThe Health Insurance Authority, "Submission to the Department of Health and Children: Lifetime community rating" 2002en_GB
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this submission is to set out The Health Insurance Authority’s (“the Authority”) considerations on a move from the current system of single rate community rating to a system of lifetime community rating in the Irish private health insurance market. Under single rate community rating, a person’s age at entry does not determine the level of premium that they pay. Under lifetime community rating, the premium that a person pays rises with the age at which they enter the private health insurance market, but remains stable in real terms thereafter (subject to medical inflation, etc.). The Government’s White Paper on Private Health Insurance (“the White Paper”), issued in 1999, suggested that this move would be the preferred choice of the then administration. The Health Insurance (Amendment) Act, 2001 (“the 2001 Act”) makes provisions for the Minister to introduce regulations allowing for late entry loadings – a key pillar in lifetime community rating. The Minister has requested that the Authority provide its views and recommendations on the matter. The Authority engaged in a consultation process in August and September 2002 in relation to the issues involved in a move to a system of lifetime community rating, following publication of a consultation paper in August 2002. Having considered the issues, the Authority has formed preliminary views, which it sets out in this paper. This paper begins by briefly describing the consultation process engaged in by the Authority and then describes the Authority’s views with regard to the key issues raised during its deliberations on the matter and during the consultation process.en_GB
dc.publisherThe Health Insurance Authorityen_GB
dc.titleSubmission to the Department of Health and Children: Lifetime community ratingen_GB
or.authorThe Health Insurance Authority

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