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dc.contributor.authorAmárach Consulting
dc.descriptionThe Health Insurance Authority (the Authority) commissioned Amárach Consulting to conduct a comprehensive research study of the private health insurance (PHI) market in Ireland. The overall research objectives were defined by the Authority as follows: Assess propensity to switch health insurers for different categories of consumer (particularly by age) Discover and understand reasons for switching between insurers Discover and understand reasons for taking out/discontinuing private health insurance cover Gauge likelihood of discontinuation e.g. due to premium rises Assess attitudes towards and knowledge/perceptions of the PHI market. A qualitative and quantitative research programme was undertaken. The quantitative element, which involved face-to-face interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Irish adults forms the bulk of the research programme. As a pre-cursor to the quantitative stage, a smaller qualitative study was undertaken. Qualitative Phase The research objectives of the qualitative phase as defined by the Authority were as follows: Discover and understand reasons for switching between private health insurers Discover and understand reasons for taking up/discontinuing cover Gauge likely effect on penetration of premium rises Gauge likely effect on non-consumers of the introduction of late entry loadings Assess attitudes towards and knowledge/perceptions of the PHI market among consumers/non-consumers Identify consumers’ issues Provide guidance for formulation of quantitative study questionnaire. As part of the qualitative research programme seven focus groups and four in-depth interviews were conducted in Dublin and Cork in the weeks beginning the 4th and 11th of November 2002. Quantitative Phase Research objectives as defined by the Authority specific to the quantitative research programme were as follows: Assess propensity to switch insurers for different categories of consumers Assess propensity to have cover for different categories of persons Gauge likelihood of discontinuation e.g. due to premium rises Assess attitudes towards and knowledge/perceptions of market, consumers’ rights, etc. Differentiate behaviour, attitudes and knowledge by type of consumer Gain robust evidence for informing future policy decisions. In order to deliver on these objectives Amárach conducted a face-to-face survey with a sample of 1,001 Irish adults aged 18+. Interlocking quota controls were set in terms of age, gender, marital status, region and social class. Corrective weightings were subsequently applied to age, gender, marital status region and social class to ensure the sample was nationally representative. These findings were then weighted up to the forecasted total number of adults aged 18+ living in the Republic of Ireland in the year 2002 (an estimated 2.884 million people according to the most recent 1 March 2003 CSO figures). The fieldwork was conducted between the 22nd of November and the 20th of December 2002. Surveys were conducted in respondents’ own homes, at over 100 locations throughout the Republic of Ireland. This document presents independent research conducted on behalf of The Health Insurance Authority by Amárach Consulting. The material presented does not represent the views or opinions of The Health Insurance Authority.en_GB
dc.publisherThe Health Insurance Authorityen_GB
dc.titleHIA Consumer survey 2003- The private health insurance market in Irelanden_GB
or.authorThe Health Insurance Authority

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