Primary palliative care in Ireland identifying improvements in primary care to support the care of those in their last year of life.
Irish Hospice FoundationIrish College of General Practitioners (ICGP)
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Health Service Executive (HSE)Issue Date
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Of the 27,000 people who die every year, the majority of their care in the last year of their life is provided for by the General Practitioner (GP) and members of the primary care team. However in Ireland, unlike other countries, there is no formal framework to support community-based health care staff to assist them identify and respond to the palliative care needs of those people who are facing death in the community. In 2010 the Irish Hospice Foundation, in partnership with the Irish College of General Practitioners and the HSE established the Primary Palliative Care (PPC) programme, in order to identify palliative care initiatives that will support primary care team’s responses to adults living with advancing life-limiting diseases in the community. The national steering committee, which was established to support the work of the programme, was representative of professional groups and relevant HSE structures covering both primary care and specialist palliative care.Collections
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