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dc.contributor.authorNational Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery
dc.descriptionWelcome to the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of the NCNM Review! In this issue, our regular feature on the Health Service Reform Programme focuses on patient safety and the role of information and communications technology. The context for this piece is the publication of the discussion paper and audit paper on the Health Information Bill that is being prepared by the Department of Health and Children. This is a key element of the Reform Programme and I urge all nurses and midwives to familiarise themselves with the potential that exists to enhance health outcomes through the strategic and effective use of health information technology. Also in this issue we provide details of a landmark publication produced jointly by the National Council and An Bord Altranais, i.e., the Final Report of the Implementation of the Review of Nurses and Midwives in the Prescribing and Administration of Medicinal Products (An Bord Altranais and the National Council, November 2008). Regular readers of the NCNM Review will be very familiar with the enormous amount of work and energy that has gone into this project over recent years. The final implementation phase of this project has been possible because of the high level of co-operation that was achieved in the area of legislative change between the Minister, the two statutory agencies, the Department of Health and Children, educational institutions and nurses and midwives throughout the country. It has been a remarkable journey and one that significantly enhances the capacity and competence of nurses and midwives to deliver patient-centred care. The feature also contains some examples of care situations in which prescribing by nurses and midwives is already making a significant difference.en_GB
dc.publisherNational Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwiferyen_GB
dc.titleNational Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery: review: Spring/Summer 2009: issue 31.en_GB

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