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De Búrca, NeasaAffiliation
Physiotherapy Department, University Hospital Galway, Galway, Ireland.Issue Date
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Low back pain post partum - A case report. 2012:notMan TherJournal
Manual therapyDOI
10.1016/j.math.2012.02.001PubMed ID
Sacral stress fracture is an unusual source of low back pain and can be easily confused with a number of other clinical conditions seen in physiotherapy clinics. The purpose of this case report is to describe the case of a patient presenting with low back pain post partum illustrating pertinent aspects of differential diagnosis and issues of management. A 31 year old female presented complaining of low back pain since the birth of her second child 11 months earlier. Subjective and objective examination led the Therapist to consider a diagnosis of sacral stress fracture. This diagnosis was confirmed by MRI. Three months after presenting to physiotherapy the patient was pain free and had returned to all aspects of her daily life without any difficulties. Clinicians must be aware of the less common pathologies in any hypotheses development. A careful history and physical examination and broad hypotheses generation will ensure that patients are accurately diagnosed and receive appropriate and effective treatments.Item Type
Article In PressLanguage
Scopus Count
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