The science of searching--how to find the evidence quickly and efficiently.
The science of searching--how to find the evidence quickly and efficiently. 2012, 105 (4):121-2 Ir Med JPublisher
Irish Medical Journal (IMJ)Journal
Irish medical journalPubMed ID
22708230Additional Links
One of the most common findings from health research is the failure to routinely translate research evidence into daily practice. Studies simply can't guarantee the use of their findings. There is just too much research to keep track of and so a large gap develops between what is known and what is done. Evidence that should change practice is often ignored for years. The literature is constantly changing and when an answer to a clinical question is sought, it often comes from an out-of-date textbook. Remaining knowledgeable of current, relevant research is difficult. Consequently, the development of skills in searching electronic databases is vital for the up-to-date clinician.Item Type
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