Vaginal prostaglandin gel to induce labour in women with one previous caesarean section.
UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science, Coombe Women and Infants University, Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. gerryagnew@gmail.comIssue Date
Administration, IntravaginalDinoprostone/*administration & dosage
Labor, Induced/*methods
Retrospective Studies
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean/*statistics & numerical data
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J Obstet Gynaecol. 2009 Apr;29(3):209-11.Journal
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of, Obstetrics and GynaecologyDOI
10.1080/01443610902743789PubMed ID
This retrospective study reviewed the mode of delivery when vaginal prostaglandins were used to induce labour in women with a single previous lower segment caesarean section. Over a 4-year period, PGE 2 gel was used cautiously in low doses in 54 women. Induction with PGE 2 gel was associated with an overall vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) rate of 74%, which compared favourably with the 74% VBAC rate in women who went into spontaneous labour (n = 1969). There were no adverse outcomes recorded after the prostaglandin inductions but the number reported are too small to draw any conclusions about the risks, such as uterine rupture. We report our results because they may be helpful in assessing the chances of a successful VBAC in the uncommon clinical circumstances where prostaglandin induction is being considered.Language
1364-6893 (Electronic)0144-3615 (Linking)
Scopus Count
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